Multi-Media Compliance Audits

shutterstock 63357973The purpose of a compliance audit is to evaluate facility operations and monitoring and recordkeeping activities with respect to applicable environmental permits and regulations.  Compliance audits can be conducted at any time, for any parameters, air, water, waste, etc. and for any purpose.  The compliance audit can be designed with a narrow focus to determine the status of compliance with respect to a permit or it can be broader in scope, focusing instead on general operations with the goal of evaluating the suitability of existing permit terms and conditions.

RTP has conducted a wide array of compliance audits for a diverse set of clients.  Sometimes, compliance audits are as simple as a desktop review, which means a review of permit documents in comparison to documentation provided by the facility.  More often and more effective are those compliance audits that include a visit to the facility where RTP staff can interact with facility employees, more efficiently search and review records and evaluate operations with respect to facility permits and other documentation.  Since compliance audits are tailored to specific projects, it is recommended that you speak with an RTP representative to allow us to design a plan that will address your needs.