RTP provides comprehensive services to assist clients with
obtaining environmental permits and necessary approvals to
construct, modify and operate air emission sources.
RTP’s team of experts has and continues to assist clients
with a wide array of air permitting and compliance needs
including, but not limited to, State and Federal registrations,
construction and FESOP Permits, PSD permits, Title V Operating
Permits, non-attainment offsets and bubble permits.
Clean Air Act regulations are complex and continue to
evolve.RTP is capable of completing all activities associated with any
air compliance need from simple to complex.Our team of meteorologists, engineers, scientists and
technicians can provide assistance with all facets of a project,
from applicability determinations to source inventories, BACT,
RACT, MACT and LAER determinations, air quality and
meteorological monitoring and air dispersion modeling.Once a draft permit is provided, RTP is there to assist you
with agency negotiations, provide compliance schedules, support
at public meetings and meeting reporting requirements.We can also assist with regulatory interpretations, permit
negotiations and expert testimony.
RTP often assists clients with compliance issues related to air
regulations.RTP can provide a review of existing site activities to
determine what, if any, air or onsite media exposures may exist
with respect to applicable regulations.RTP’s air experts can then assist with the development
and implementation of a compliance program tailored specifically
to the site.