
shutterstock 77224645Waste-to-Energy facilities have had a long and storied history throughout the US and worldwide.  RTP staff have been involved for over 40 years in assisting private and public sector projects.  As time has progressed, the regulatory requirements for these facilities have changed significantly as the technology required for facility designs and operations has changed.  Certain technology improvements have even driven some of the regulatory developments.

RTP staff have broad familiarity with a variety of plant designs from standard multiple heart-type incinerators to the most advanced combustion systems currently being permitted.  RTP has been active in the design phase, performing preliminary air impact assessments to assure a project can meet all applicable air requirements at multiple locations.  RTP has also been involved in the initial environmental evaluations, the scoping sessions, data collection, air quality modeling assessments, traffic assessments, odor assessments, waste management issues, stack design, cooling tower assessments, control technology (RACT/BACT/LAER) assessments, facility permitting for all media and environmentally related issues, developing regulatory permit application packages, negotiating operating conditions and monitoring and reporting requirements, performance of post-construction compliance testing, assisting with public meetings and presentation, compliance with applicable rules and regulations, technical assistance with NOVs or permit violations, requirements for facility modifications or expansions, and participation in legal proceedings including expert witness testimony.  RTP’s extensive experience with waste-to-energy facilities can be a valuable asset to any project team.