RTP’s experts are well acquainted in wastewater
management and permitting. Wastewater can refer to a wide
array of discharges, including but not limited to, process
effluent, non-contact utility water, boiler blowdown, hydrostatic
testing discharges, sanitary discharges, leachate, rinsate and any
number of industry specific streams. RTP has worked with
various industries to define and mange wastewater to effectively
comply with applicable regulations while meeting facility
requirements with cost-effective, flexible programs.
In addition to specific process streams, water treatment chemicals
(WTCs) must be carefully managed to maintain compliance with
applicable requirements. RTP can provide reviews of WTCs in
support of facility operations with a focus on environmental
requirements. RTP can also provide assistance with
evaluations of wastewater treatment options, as it relates to
discharge volume, quality and quantity as well as potential
impacts to other regulatory programs (i.e.: air and waste).
RTP is able to assist with evaluations for determining potential
discharge paths, such as discharges to surface water, POTWs or
underground injection control (UIC) wells. RTP will also
identify alternative waste treatment options, such as zero liquid
discharge (ZLD) or recycling opportunities that can be utilized by
a project to minimize wastewater discharges and control effluent