RTP understands the intricacies associated with successful
preparation and implementation of RMP at a facility. In
fact, RTP wrote the book on RMP, Risk Management Planning
Handbook, published by Government Institutes in March, 1998,
second edition Summer, 2002.
RTP understands that the successful preparation of a RMP for a
facility requires close-working cooperation between on-site
staff and the consultant. On-site engineers typically know
the process much better than any consultant coming to the facility
for the first time. On-site personnel are also familiar with
the maintenance, training and the organization of on-site records.
RTP works with the on-site staff to take maximum advantage of the
experience and resources already available. RTP then works
with the facility management to assure the RMP is developed
quickly, in compliance with the regulations, and is cost effective
. RTP can also work with your in-house or consulting Public
Relations group to prepare community information materials and to
set up and participate in public meetings as part of the RMP
Risk management programs include plans to detect and prevent or
minimize the accidental release of regulated substances as
stipulated in Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. In terms
of applicability, all users of hazardous chemicals are required to
plan for accidents as required by the general duty clause.
The RMP for a specific site is a document which includes
three basic elements:
The Hazard Assessment
The final RMP regulations require a Hazard Assessment which
includes an evaluation of the potential range of releases for a
facility, including worst-case accidental releases, and the
analysis of potential off-site consequences. It also
requires documentation of an applicable facility’s
five-year Accident History.
The Prevention Program
The Prevention Program has a strong link to the Hazard Assessment,
as process and incident reviews often provide insight into
potential events that could have onsite or offsite consequences.
One element of the Prevention Program is a formal required
analysis known as the Process Hazard Analysis (PHA). The PHA
utilizes recognized methodologies such as Hazard and Operability
Studies (HAZOP) or What-If/Checklist Studies to review all
processes which contain more than a threshold quantity of
regulated substances at the facility (the list of substances and
quantities vary between RMP & PSM) and identify potential
means for catastrophic failure and release. Evaluation of
potential offsite impacts can often begin with release scenarios
identified in the PHA process.
During Prevention Program activities, the facility must determine
the applicable Program level (1, 2 or 3). Many facilities
are covered under OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM)
Standard. Once a program is determined, the facility must
develop standard operating procedures and other requirements.
The Emergency Response
The Emergency Response Program will be based on computer modeling
of hypothetical releases to calculate threat zones within which
employees or offsite populations might need to evacuate or stay
sheltered in the event of an emergency release. The
hypothetical release scenarios are based on the Hazard Assessment.